architect Margrethe Rosenlund
the architect
Why am I an architect?
Good cities, buildings and rooms adapt to the way you live. They give you the freedom to form them as you please, to make them your own. Our physical environment is the framework around our lives, and we get to fill it with our own chosen content.
I am an architect because I want to create good spaces for people to live, work and play in. Spaces that represent a starting point, with blanks to be filled by the people that are using them.
What’s my background?
Right after graduating from the Oslo School of Architecture in 1997 I got my first job at Lund + Slaatto arkitekter, where I got to participate in various fields of the trade, such as office buildings, gas stations and even a tiny contribution to the amazing Hamar Domkirkeruin. I later moved on to Arkitektkontoret Kari Nissen Brodtkorb (now MER arkitektur), working mainly on large scale housing projects such as Strandpromenaden, Kristiansand and Lysaker Brygge, but also on office/mixed use buildings such as Karenslyst allé. After my very educational and formative years there I felt I was ready to test my wings, and opened my own studio, doing smaller residential projects such as villa additions, lofts and holiday cabins. A few years passed, I proceeded to the next step and founded an office together with former colleagues, Morfeus arkitekter, where I was a partner for seven years. During this time I got to work on a variety of interesting projects such as villas, kindergardens and industrial buildings, but the most notable one probably being the award winning National Scenic Route Bukkekjerka, Andøya. However rewarding this period was I decided after a while it was time to test those wings again to get the opportunity to develop some ideas I had been harbouring, so I reopened my own studio again in 2014. And here I am.
And apart from that?
Well, what would you like to know? I like to travel (mainly Italy, but the rest of Europe plus Africa and Asia is also on my list), I’m into photography, love music (with a special interest in jazz, just to complete the architect cliché), for being Norwegian I’m a below average cross country skier (grew up on the west coast, no snow, sorry), believe (and think you should too!) that the world REALLY needs to act upon climate change, am a lousy cook but a great organizer. That’s it, I guess.